About Clinimex

In March 2023, Clinimex completed 29 years of Assessments in Exercise Medicine and Supervised Exercise Program or PES where we have a physician in person during exercise sessions. Below are some of our numbers over these 29 years:


• Assessments in Exercise Medicine

o > 10.000 customers served (10% of which are competitive and federated athletes)

o > 14.500 ratings


• Supervised Exercise Programs (PES)

o > 500.000 assistances in the exercise program

o > 2.700 clients with different illnesses (1/3 women)


o After the COVID19 pandemic, now also with the Oriented Home Exercise Program (OHEP), Collective and Remote Exercise Sessions and Clinimex-Home.


• Multi-professional team

o Medical Doctors (Exercise and Sports Medicine)

o Physical Educators

o Physiotherapists

o Nursing Techniques


• Educational actions

o Specialization Course in Exercise and Sports Medicine (1997-2009)

o Dozens of interns (students and professionals) from various fields and countries


• Scientific production

o Dozens of research articles published in journals in Brazil and abroad

o Several awards for best free-topic at National Congresses

o Editora Abril´s Health Award (2013) - Sitting-Rising Test - TSL or Sitting-Rising Test - SRT

o Research supported by CNPq and FAPERJ


• Innovations (main)

o the 4-second exercise test

o the Flexitest

o the Sit-Stand Test

o the heart rate gradient in exercise

o the optimal cardiorespiratory point

o Inspiratory muscle training (IMT)

o KiTOMI (risk stratification for sexual activity in heart disease)

o Technical assistance in the development of an ergometer (INBRAMED)

o Database, operational and research development and analysis