Exercise and Sports Medicine

About Clinimex

Clinimex is a service provider in the medical area, inaugurated in early 1994, with a highly qualified and specialized professional team. Its doctors have specialization or residency courses in the area of Sports and Exercise Medicine, and some of them have completed a master's and doctorate degree in a related area (Cardiology and Physiology). Likewise, the Physical Education and Physiotherapy professionals have specific postgraduate training and education to work with the profile of clients served by CLINIMEX.

Evaluation of Exercise and Sports Medicine

Every assessment in Exercise Medicine begins with a detailed survey of the client's health history and practice of physical activity, physical exercise and sports throughout the client's life, which makes it possible for the procedure to be directed towards providing relevant information to the customer specific goals.

The doctor will submit the client to a physical examination aimed at guiding physical exercise, seeking to identify problems and/or conditions that affect, harm or put the client's health at risk during physical exercise.

10.032 Clients    1.325 Athletes    14.652 Assessments

Supervised Exercise Program

With 29 years of existence, PES-Clinimex is multidisciplinary and supervised by a physician, physiotherapist and physical educator and serves individuals with the most varied clinical conditions and objectives, from pre-habilitation to prevention and adjuvant treatment to the most varied chronic-degenerative diseases .

Initial Clinical Care – Brief anamnesis, measurements of weight and heart rate (HR) at rest. Depending on the clinical condition, other measurements can be performed, such as blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, peak expiratory flow, electrocardiogram (1 derivation) and blood glucose measurement. Next, the doctor prescribes the aerobic part of the session.

Aerobic part – Lasts about 30 minutes and can be done on one or more equipment – treadmill, leg or arm cycle, rowing or skierg. Still depending on the clinical condition, heart rate measurements may be obtained.

2.620 Clients    512.000 Attendances

911 Attended Physicians

Research and Teaching

One of the main objectives of CLINIMEX is to carry out teaching and research activities and, at the same time, work in innovation and technological development. These actions were started in 1994, when it was inaugurated, and have been maintained ever since. As an exclusive initiative of CLINIMEX itself or in partnership with other institutions and companies.

Soon we will be detailing these actions here on the website.

100 Publications in Magazines    240 Trained Physicians